How do Pregnancy/ Ovulation test strips work?
The pregnancy testing strips measure the presence of the hormone HCG in your urine. HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) is a glycoprotein hormone secreted by the developing placenta shortly after fertilization. The presence of HCG will start to rise during the early gestational growth period, which makes it an excellent indicator for pregnancy.
The ovulation testing strips measures the presence of the Luteinizing Hormone (LH). During the middle of your menstrual cycle, the levels of LH drastically increase indicating the optimum time for ovulation. The testing strips are designed to detect this "LH Surge."
Does the HCG level of the pregnancy strip matter?
Yes, there are varying levels of sensitivity for pregnancy testing strips on the market. AccuMed® HCG testing strips offer the highest sensitivity available at 20 mIU/ml. The lower the HCG level is, the earlier the test can detect pregnancy.
How accurate is the testing strip?
AccuMed® testing strips are 99% accurate.
How long will it take before I see a result?
You may see results in as little as 40 seconds. However, the complete testing time is 5 minutes. Results appearing after the 5 minute mark, should not be taken into consideration.
Is the first morning-urine the best sample for pregnancy tests?
Yes, the first morning-urine will contain the highest concentration of HCG as compared to diluted samples from drinking high volumes of water or urinating frequently throughout the day.
When is the best time to test for Ovulation?
First, you will need to determine the length of your menstrual cycle. From the first day of menstrual bleeding to the day before menstrual bleeding occurs on the next period, is considered to be the duration of your menstrual cycle. Please refer to the chart below once you know the length of your cycle.
Should I test for Ovulation the same time each day?
Yes, to maintain accuracy it is highly recommended to test at the same time each day. Make sure to refrain from drinking liquids for at least 2-3 hours prior to testing to avoid diluting the urine sample.
How long after my LH surge will ovulation take place?
Ovulation will take place between 12 to 48 hours after the LH surge is first detected.
After I am ovulating, when is the best time for intercourse?
When you have detected the LH surge, it is best to have intercourse the same day or up to three days after.
Does taking my basal body temperature (BBT) tell me the same thing as an ovulation predictor kit (OPK)?
No, BBT will only tell you that your LH surge is over already.
If the test band is very faint, is the pregnancy test still positive?
If the "test" band, in comparison to the "control band," is very faint, could possibly be positive. It is highly recommended that if you get a faint line instead of a solid line to re-test yourself the next day using the first morning-urine, since the levels of HCG double every 2 days in pregnant women.
What is a "False-Positive" result?
This occurs when your test result shows "positive" but you are not pregnant. Some of the most common reasons for the false-positive result to happen are due to improper use of the pregnancy test, reading the test strip well after the allotted time frame, using an expired test strip, testing yourself too soon, using certain prescription medications such as HCG injections, Phenothiazine, Promethazine,and Anticonvulsants to name a few. Although getting a false-positive result is rare, it is recommended to test yourself multiple times a week to ensure an accurate result.
What if the test result is negative in the initial testing period, but turns positive after an hour?
We highly recommend to never rely on any results after the initial 5 minute time frame stated. ALL pregnancy tests are susceptible to showing an evaporation line. Please make sure to follow all instructions when using any home pregnancy tests to avoid getting false-positive results.
Can i be pregnant even after getting a negative pregnancy test result (False-Negative)?
Getting a false-negative result is more common than a false-positive one. These are primarily due to mistakes in procedures or timing of the testing. It is recommended to not use a diluted urine sample or testing yourself too early in the pregnancy cycle as this may alter the actual HCG levels that show up on the test. Every woman experiences different levels of HCG during pregnancy, meaning that the first indication for pregnancy may not be the same for 2 different women. If you suspect that you are indeed pregnant, but keep getting a negative result, please consult your doctor for a blood HCG test.
Can fertility drugs or medication alter the results of my testing?
Yes, but only medications that also contain the HCG hormone can affect the outcome of HCG pregnancy test strips. If you are taking fertility medications with that hormone, please consult your doctor for different forms of testing.