Where Do I Find the Lot Number?

Where Do I Find the Lot Number?

The lot number is needed to provide quality assurance to all our products and may be required when returning a product. The lot number is typically associated with a batch or carton number which can be used to pinpoint issues more efficiently and provide a better level of service to our customers. 

The most common area to find the lot number for your device is on the back of the box. The lot number will be shown as such: "(10)ACXXXXXXXX"


However, if the device did not come with a box the lot number can also be found either on the pack. For instance, items that do not have a physical box such as the the HCG test strips may have the lot number printed on the front of the package. 


Some items such as AccuMed pregnancy tests will have the lot number displayed on the side of the box along with its expiration date. 


The lot number will also be printed on the wrapper of the HCG test strips as well as on the pregnancy test wrappers. 


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